Many years ago, when I was younger (maybe not that many! ), I remember browsing through my late grandfather’s old books left from his book room, finding this dusty early twenty-century scientific volume that talked about ice in Greenland and Antarctica, and how, if it melted, the world’s oceans would significantly rise. It all quite sounded like silly science fiction to me back then! Unfortunately, that’s not the case anymore today..
Since early in life (and often presently too), I have witnessed the disdain that prior generations had for the environment, as a whole. It was like many people, governments, institutions and corporations lived in this fantasy or had this perception that Earth was some kind of asset that you could systematically exploit, abuse, pollute and destroy at will, and nature will just keep taking it, because it was so big, it was ”endless“. No consequences.!
I also saw “green” movements emerge, along with their political versions. A few of them, as soon as they got hold into power, they partially or entirely forgot about their initial purpose, aligning instead with this or that political side (with a few exceptions that remain focused on their mission). Real call for action has always come from scientists, conservationists and concerned ordinary people around the planet, many who have become famous activists, (e.g. Greta Thunberg, David Attenborough, etc.).
Since the topic of global warming was widely brought in the early 2000’s, we witnessed an absurd politicization of it, not just in the US, but around the world. Once again, the disdain (or just plain ignorance) for Earth was evident. It reminds me of a present situation, with a certain virus, when many people doubted its very existence. It was ignored at first, and it has killed millions since then. Even when vaccines were produced, people have refused to get them! Because of it, people are still dying today, everyday! The parallel might seem foolish to some, but it’s worrisome to me, because it shows basically the same problem at its core.
Now, absolutely indifferent to our political, economic, religious, or ideological hype, nature is rapidly changing for real, and perhaps forever.. You can find evidence of climate change everywhere now. Greenland is melting at a crazy rate, Antarctica as well. Recent Australian, Californian, and Siberian fires that ran out of control with an intensity that was just unseen are happening more and more often. Storms in both hemispheres are increasing in size and intensity. Flooding, droughts, melting of permafrost, destruction of coral reefs, the list goes on and on and it will eventually impact everyone in this world, if left unchanged.
The purpose of our blog is not to bring up politics or agendas. It is to share with you our travel experiences, and the places that we visited, many which we considered wonderful and unique. With great sadness, it has crossed my mind the possibility that many of those places might irreversibly change soon. Here we pledge to promote nature’s immense value, thus contributing to the fight of reversing climate change.
Please, get informed and actively involved on how small changes to your lifestyle, goods that you buy, your nutrition, your waste and your daily habits can help reverse course in this crucial time that will define our children’s future on this planet.
For more information, please access this link: