Esplendor de la naturaleza. ¡Mar, islas, bosques, planicies, montañas nevadas y vegetación en todas partes! Playas nostálgicas llenas de belleza natural con troncos y pinos al fondo, todo esto sobrevolado por águilas calvas. ¡North Puget Sound y el noroeste del Pacífico en su máxima expresión! Esta sigue siendo la tierra del salmón y todo el …
Miami Beach, FL
Experience thrill and style, with astounding views of the place where the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea meet, and the Floridian, white-sandy coast. Then, wait until it gets dark! Miami Beach is considered a world-class destination itself, separate from its big neighbor across the Biscayne Bay, six miles to the West, the city of …
Bryce Canyon, UT
Imagine yourself trekking the high desert. All the sudden, a large gathering of giant limestone columns of very unusual shapes and sizes lay out in front of you. A magnificent sunset creates vivid colors from bright red to soft, pale yellow. Like being in the surface of another planet, a feeling of awe fills your …
Atlanta, GA
Nicknamed A-town, also the Big Peach, the city was a truly pleasant surprise for me. Having some opportunity in to visit in the past, (opting instead for New Orleans and Orlando), I wish I had done it before! Truly a hotspot for the music and the filming industries, a bastion for civil and human rights, …